How Dirty Electricity is created?
One of the most dangerous types of EMF pollution is so-called “Dirty Electricity”. This is when the electrical power lines and wiring within your home contain frequencies other than the normal 60 Hz electrical current (50 Hz in Europe). These additional frequencies piggyback on the electrical wiring and radiate into your living environment.
– Greewave Filter

Many modern devices no longer use standard AC electricity “as is.” Instead, they “manipulate” electrical current in one way or another in order to operate.
For example, many electrical devices today must convert standard 50/60-Hertz AC electricity (alternating current) into other forms of electricity — such as low voltage direct current (DC) or higher frequency AC — in order to operate. And many devices now draw power from wiring intermittently, in short burst, rather than continuously. They do this by turning the flow of power to a device “on” and “off” repeatedly, often thousands of times per second. These processes interrupt the smooth flow of standard 50/60-Hertz AC electricity, which creates harmonics and erratic surges and spikes of electrical energy (i.e., voltage transients).
Once created, this unusable dirty electricity spreads throughout a building and even to other buildings via wiring and power lines. As it travels, it radiates potentially harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF) into living and work environments.
Benefits of Clean Electricity

Environmental Benefits
- Doesn’t emit carbon dioxide (CO2), mercury, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2) or particulate matter into the air, water or soil; commonly cited effects of these harmful pollutants include climate change, mercury poisoning, smog, acid rain and respiratory disease.
- Doesn’t damage the land like fossil-fuel extraction
- Is made from unlimited renewable sources
- Many forms of renewable energy use little to no water
- Helps preserve and protect the environment for future generations
Economic Benefits
- Creates employment opportunities in the green job sector in the U.S.; in 2011, job creation in clean energy outpaced fossil fuels by a margin of 3-to-11
- Supports a homegrown energy source, helping secure America’s energy future
- Brings development to rural areas, where renewable facilities are often sited to take advantage of ample space and resource potential
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