About SWO

Science and Wellness Organization (SWO) is a non-profit organization that adopts a sustainable approach in helping to improve people’s lives. This is achieved through actions that are supported by clear understanding of causal effects surrounding life, the society that we interact with and the environment we live in. 

SWO’s work is fueled by the passion of the founding members of the organization together with the pioneering patrons who experienced remarkable changes to their own lives, owing to the help of SWO. Over the past 12 years, many people have had the opportunity to experience improvements to their lives thanks to the solutions and assistance provided by SWO. 

These solutions and assistance comes in the form of knowledge and information sharing: methods and practices relating to the daily science of eating, working and living; practical solutions for disease prevention; behavioral and mental development rudiments; construction of conductive habitat and handing out help to others through the act of unconditional giving without confining to any form nor matter. 


The focus of SWO can be broadly categorized into 3 areas: (1) Research and Solutions (2) Education and Awareness (3) Assitance and Improvements. From its inception to date, SWO has done extensive research in determining the rppt cause of diseases and social challneges faced by people in general and has developed effective solutions to mitigate these causes. These findings are shared with the public through seminars and public talks to help people to understand how they can improve their lives. SWO has also provided assistance to those who are less fortunate and carried out projects that improves the lives of people. 


Conduct research to determine the root cause and develop effective solutions to mitigate diseases.


Conduct educational seminars to promote greater awareness amongst people


Carry out projects that assist those who are less fortunate and improve lives of people