Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Fear is some of the most common mental health among us. Including the young. Did you know? Kids as young as 14 years old can get depression. When asked about their feelings and the causes that led up to their depression their answers were always; loneliness, unloved, and felt left out from the rest of the crowd. 

What if there was a way to change all of that? Your kids could have a healthy mindset if they learned how to re-program their thoughts process. And that is what this workshop is about! Prepping for the month of Mental Health, we’ve invited Kate Lim; a psychologist to provide a workshop to the youth of University Malaya on how to re-program your mindset to be a better you. 


The Workshop Covers:

Describing who you are in simple words. Writing down any verb or noun that resonates with yourself.
Sharing with peers on your understanding of yourself and what is it you intend to improve about YOU.
Self Reflection
Drawing a better version of you and how you envision yourself to be with these improvements
Mindset Goal

This interactive workshop intends to teach the younger generation on how to keep a positive mindset by tapping into your intelligence. How do you do that? According to Kate, it is as simple as just changing your lifestyle habits. Ridding off your life from bad habits and replacing it with good habits that may help impact your life positively. As you do it day by day, you’ll start seeing the changes in your life.

Make Mental Health A Priority !

So, to all you young people out there, you are not alone. If you feel you need the help, you can always reach out to us or to Ms Kate Lim directly via; https://www.katologist.com/about